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Fluoride Varnish is a Must-Have Tool for Pediatricians

Early Intervention:
Before they see a dentist, they see you.

AAP Recommendation:
Fluoride varnish for all kids under 6.

Proven Results:
Reduce cavities by 35%.

Bridge the Gap:
Over 30% of low-income children miss out on preventive dental care. They need your professional care.

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FluoroDose has been awarded THE DENTAL ADVISOR's top Fluoride Varnish 6 years in a row! It ranks top in patient acceptance because it tastes great and goes on smooth and clear! Your patients will love FluoroDose.



"This fluoride varnish made my job child’s play. It tastes just like candy!" AMBER SANCHEZ, RDH Fort Wayne, IN


“I loved the caramel flavor. It definitely tastes better than any fluoride varnish I have used before! ... This product  have more patient acceptance ... The taste makes it a better experience for the patient, and a happier patient makes me less stressed.”

Cianne Stuckey (Edmond, OK)
Cianne Stuckey (Edmond, OK)

My patients love the flavors and it's so easy to apply.

2 years ago
Andrea Maddox, Instructor Temple College
Andrea Maddox, Instructor Temple College

It goes on smoothly, quickly, and it wicks interproximally easily. We LOVE Fluorodose!

5 years ago
Dr. Marianne Baran (Dearborn, MI)
Dr. Marianne Baran (Dearborn, MI)

I recommend fluoride varnish for all ages of patients at my practice. I find FluoroDose to be especially good for patients under the age of 18. ItÕs also great for patients who have a high risk of caries, as well as those patients who may be experiencing generalized sensitivity.

6 years ago

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